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We are the top-rated resource for recovery from alcohol addiction and substance abuse. Only those individuals and their families that have suffered the problems of alcoholism and substance abuse will know the pain, mental torture, and devastation they have to go through in dealing with an addiction situation. We help in easing this journey by providing all the support, compassion, and assistance needed for overcoming addictions. Our resources include local AA Meetings, MAT or Medical Assisted Treatment, and more. You can easily find local AA meetings near you by using AA Meeting Locator.

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Battling Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, & Addiction Recovery Issues? AA Meetings Can Help You Win This Battle!

Alcohol addiction is hard to give up, especially if you have been consuming alcohol for long. If you think you have had enough and want to give up the addiction, come to Alcoholics Anonymous. We constitute a community of people who are in the same or similar condition as you and hence know the kind of battles you are involved in with your mind and body.

We believe in the concept of group-based recovery and are committed to helping you overcome your addiction issues in a well-planned and structured manner with the community supporting you all along the journey.

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Stay away one day at a time as soon you will be free for life. Remember what Lao Tzu said - "Great acts are made of small deeds."


On the road of happy destiny, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of how long the journey has been. Joining local AA Meetings are important but it's also essential to keep track of the total length in time that alcohol addiction has been defeated. Just enter the starting date of sobriety and let the sobriety calculator tell you how long you've been sober.


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Finding Sobriety Through Song: How Country Song Lyrics About Alcohol Can Lead You to AA Meetings Near You
May 5, 2024

Country music has a rich heritage, tracing its roots back to the earliest recordings from the Victor and Okeh companies. Over the decades, it has evolved, mirroring the stories and sentiments of its time. Country songwriters are known for their soulful narratives about the good old days, Southern charm, and hospitality. Yet, there’s another recurring […]

Understanding Cinco de Mayo: Navigating the Celebration, Alcohol Abuse, and the Role of AA Meetings
May 3, 2024

As Cinco de Mayo approaches, let’s clear up a common misconception: this holiday is *not* Mexican Independence Day. That honor goes to September 16, 1810, marking the start of Mexico’s quest for freedom. Instead, Cinco de Mayo commemorates an underdog story from over half a century later. It was May 5, 1862, when 2,000 Mexican […]

From War Battlefields to Inner Battles: Addressing Alcoholism and Stress Recovery in the Military
May 2, 2024

It is a huge eye-opener to see how alcohol is so tightly entwined with the fabric of military life, especially under the tremendous stress of the service. According to the 2018 Department of Defense Health Related Behaviors Survey, the situation is alarming as 34 percent of the active duty military personnel reported binge drinking in […]


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What is AA?

“AA” as a term is normally used to describe Alcoholics Anonymous, a worldwide community that helps those who are trying to overcome alcohol addiction or other difficulties associated with alcohol. It is the neighborhood where the members of the fellowship share with each other, their experiences, strength, and hope, so that they may be able to remain sober and solve common issues. AA stands on the principle of anonymity to provide a safe and supportive atmosphere where people can concentrate on the recovery process without the worry of disgrace or ridicule. AA’s main focus is the famous 12-step program which not only takes the members through a process of personal reflection and apology but also helps them to achieve and maintain sobriety through spiritual growth. It is a caring place for many, and it provides them with the support needed during the road to recovery.

Know the Basics of AA:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is centered around a set of principles that encourage individuals to recover from alcoholism. This is primarily done through attending meetings and following a 12-step program. Here’s what you need to know;

  1. Group Gatherings: These meetings are, at the core of AA, where members come together to share their experiences and provide support. They can be either open to the public or closed to members 
  2. The 12 Steps: These spiritual guidelines help members address and deal with their alcoholism by focusing on responsibility and spiritual development.
  3. Confidentiality: An important aspect that creates a nonjudgmental space for members to concentrate on their recovery journey without external interference.
  4. Mentorship: Seasoned members, referred to as sponsors offer guidance and personal assistance to newcomers as they navigate through the process of recovery.
  5. Community Involvement: AA provides written materials such as the “Big Book,” which outlines the program’s beliefs and recounts member experiences. Active involvement in community service roles also contributes to recovery journeys.

AA aims to assist individuals in attaining sobriety and sustaining it ultimately leading them towards a satisfying life.

I am not an alcoholic. Can I join AA?

Indeed, you are most welcome to the open AA meetings even if you feel that you are not an alcoholic. Open meetings are always a good place for the person who is just curious about Alcoholics Anonymous, whether it is about a friend, a family member or you just want to know more about the program. It is at such meetings that you can hear other people tell their stories and journeys which can be a source of valuable insights as to how AA helps individuals to deal with and recover from the issues related to alcohol. There are closed meetings where only people who have quit drinking and want to do it again attend. Therefore, if you would like to grasp more about alcohol recovery or perhaps would like to give a shoulder to someone, going to an open AA meeting could be very illuminating.

Is there a specific way alcoholism is defined at AA?

From the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) perspective, the manner in which alcoholism is defined is very inclusive and understanding. AA does not have a formal and scientific definition of alcoholism, but it generally considers it a physical craving and a mental compulsion to drink alcohol. This, therefore, implies that people can still drink even when the consequences are negative and they have a sense of loss of control once they start and they obsess about alcohol when they are not drinking.

AA takes a more personal approach by encouraging individuals to name their own problems with alcohol, instead of forcing the diagnosis. The acceptance and non-judgmental attitude of the community allows people to come forward and confess to being addicted to alcohol in their own way. The emphasis is placed mostly on the exchange of personal experiences and finding commonalities in the problems that people in the group have, rather than classifying everyone according to a specific diagnostic category. It is essential because it helps participants to feel connected with each other and to support each other in their journey towards sobriety.

Are there any prayers offered at AA meetings?

Yes, prayers are a part of AA meetings, and they do hold a special place in AA’s tradition. The Serenity Prayer is a prayer that is known by many in the AA community, and it is often recited at the beginning or the end of a meeting. It goes like this:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.”

These words express the spirit of AA, allowing people to find peace in acceptance, strength in action, and the insight to deal with their recovery. Furthermore, some meetings may finish with the Lord’s Prayer or other spiritual sayings, subject to the group’s preference. The purpose of prayer is to give peace and to unite members in spiritual support, which revives the communal and hopeful spirit of AA. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that AA is not religious. It is a spiritual movement that allows individuals with different beliefs and backgrounds to join in. This is so that the prayers create a sense of togetherness and support, not to show any particular religious view.

Is AA religious?

AA doesn’t have any religion, but it is spiritual in its nature. The program of Alcoholics Anonymous teaches members to introspect and believe in a “higher power” as part of the process of recovery. This idea of a higher power is indeed very broad and can be interpreted in many different ways, thus enabling AA members from various religions and even those without any religious beliefs to find comfort and meaning in the AA framework.

The prayers such as the Serenity Prayer in the meetings are to emphasize the spiritual aspect of recovery and not to be aligned with any particular religious doctrine. Members are guided to understand their higher power in a way that makes sense to them, which could be a traditional religious figure, the collective strength of the group, or just the person’s personal ideals.

Such an approach will lead to everyone feeling welcome and the end goal of overcoming alcohol dependence and supporting each other regardless of one’s religious beliefs is the main focus of the group.

I heard there are 12 Steps of AA. What are they?

Yes, AAs 12 Steps are the cornerstone of the program and members are led through the recovery process by them. Here’s a summary of each step:

  1. We found ourselves powerless over alcohol—that our lives had run out of control.
  • This is taking a moment to realize that alcohol has become your master and understanding that something must be done.
  1. At last, I realized that a Power bigger than us could restore us to sanity.
  • Hope is the key message that the members are encouraged to look for in the fact that something is bigger than them and that it can help them in their addiction recovery.
  1. Became willing to give up our own way and to submit to the care of God as we understood Him.
  • This stage is about the willingness to put faith in the higher power and to seek guidance in the recovery process.
  1. We have taken an inventory of ourselves, which is thorough and fearless on the moral side.
  • The members are expected to reflect on themselves and their own characteristics, including their strengths and weaknesses.
  1. We make confessions to God, ourselves, and another human being about the complete nature of our wrongs.
  • This is about admitting to and taking responsibility for past behaviors as a step to healing.
  1. We are willing to have God remove all these shortcomings of our character.
  • Members do their own mental and spiritual work to be ready for change.
  1. Humble we were, we implored Him to be rid of our defects.
  • This involves helping the addict to let go of the character traits that are the triggers of addiction.
  1. We made a list of all the persons whom we wronged and were ready to make amends with them all.
  • It is important to realize and acknowledge that the things we do directly affect others.
  1. Wherever I could, I made direct amends to such people, but only when it was not likely to cause harm to them or anyone else.
  • By doing such concrete steps as repairing past damages is one of these steps.
  1. Continue to take personal inventory and admit our wrongdoings when we were found wrong.
  • In this section, it is underscored that ongoing self-awareness and accountability are key.
  1. Thus we will strive for prayer and meditation to have a better relationship with God as we understand Him and to pray only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry it out.
  • This part entails the creation of a spiritual practice that will promote continuing recovery.
  1. After this spiritual awakening from the implementation of these steps, we have tried to bring this message to alcoholics and applied these principles in all our affairs.
  • The last part is to pass on what they have learned to others and use these guidelines in their day-to-day lives.

These measures are not only meant for cutting down drinking, but also for individual growth, making amends, and building up a rich spiritual life. They give a way for overcoming and self-improvement that many have reported to be life-changing.

Is anonymity practiced in AA?

The principle of anonymity is fundamental to Alcoholics Anonymous and it is indeed one of the most important features which define the way the group works. It serves several important purposes:

  • Safety and Privacy: Anonymity is one condition that allows members to freely disclose their experiences, strengths, and hopes without the fear of being judged or exposed. This safe space provides an ambiance that allows the people to be candid and open which are the fundamental elements of recovery.
  • Equality: This way, the anonymity of all members is ensured, and they are all on equal footing, regardless of their background, their social status, or their profession. In the AA program, the vision is on the common goal of recovery, not on individual personalities.
  • Focus on the Message: Anonymity does not create an atmosphere where the AA message is the only thing that matters and not the person. This further emphasizes the principle that the program’s success is not determined by the status or personality of any one member, but by the mutual support members provide to each other.

It is this principle that is so central to AA that it is incorporated into its name “Alcoholics Anonymous” and is also part of the Twelfth Tradition, which says that anonymity is the spiritual base of all their traditions. It contributes to the level of humility and ensures the group’s values and mission are not compromised.

What is the Big Book?

The “Big Book” is the informal name for the primary text of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), officially titled “Alcoholics Anonymous: He published the first AA book entitled “The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism.” It was published in 1939 and authored by AA co-founder Bill Wilson, along with contributions from the first members of the group.

The Big Book serves several key purposes:

  • Guide to the 12 Steps: It outlines 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, as a way to guide the recovering alcoholics through the process of dealing with their problems. The stages are meant for individuals to remain sober, improve their personal lives, and achieve spiritual growth.
  • Personal Stories: The book has a lot of personal stories of men and women who had to fight against alcoholism. These narratives have been created to motivate, provide a ray of hope, and show that recovery is available through shared experiences and mutual support.
  • Philosophy and Practices: It formulates the basic philosophy of AA and provides insights into the nature of alcoholism and the recovery process. This is not only in the form of practical guidance but also includes suggestions on how to navigate through different areas of their lives when faced with addiction.

In the AA world, the Big Book is regarded as a key tool for everyone who is involved with AA or is looking for help with their alcohol problems. It was translated into many languages and is used worldwide, and this makes it one of the most important texts in the field of recovery from addiction. Its messages of hope, strength, and community remain the pillars on which many people with the same goal of sobriety base their recovery.
